Willie Revillame Bought New Airplane

New Airplane Bought By Willie Revillame

willie revillame bought airplane

Willie Revillame's new airplane

Contrary to most Filipino's perception, Willie Revillame ain't going down. Having hundreds (if not thousands) of foes from other networks aside from those who just hate him naturally, Willie Revillame showed signs that he still got it, wealth I mean.

For all they know, Willie Revillame just recently bought a new airplane. Not that he need to sell his two yacht to buy this new airplane, but he bought it simply because he can afford it, still, strongly still.

He may have lost millions for not airing for two weeks, but he just proved to everyone that it didn't made him poor, or maybe this is just another psycho tactic of Willie. Don't give happiness to your enemy, as the saying said.

A confirmed report said that the deal was closed last May 31. The airplane was bought by Willie Revillame after testing it personally. He then immediately took a priest to bless his new property.

We at keywordspeak dot com never want to take side. We congratulate Mr. Revillame for his new airplane, may it bring fulfillment to him personally, and just like most of us, he deserves to be happy. He hardly earned everything that he have right now, and he has all the right to do whatever he wants that can make him happy.

I just hope that he do more charitiesssss aside from buying stuffs.


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