Maguindanao Massacre Trial Live Streaming Online

Maguindanao Massacre Trial Live Coverage Watch Online Live Streaming

maguindanao massacre live streaming trial

Maguindanao Massacre Trial Watch Online

As controversial as it has been, the Supreme Court had ruled to allow the live media coverage of the Maguindanao Massacre trial that will be held on Tuesday, June 21, 2011.

However, the Supreme Court stressed that the live media coverage for the Maguindanao Massacre trial will not be for entertainment. This merely to show that due process will be observe for both parties involved.

It can be recall that Maguindanao Massacre is all about the killing of 57 innocent civillians which includes 15 women and 30 media men. The killings was happened in just one instance over the fight for power during election days.

Some Filipinos said that the media live coverage became possible because the president is Noynoy Aquino.

However, not like the live media coverage of the impeachement trial of previous president Joseph Ejercito Estrada, the live coverage for the Maguindanao Massacre trial will be having some rules and guidelines that must be observes by all press people who wishes to take part on the coverage.

Below are the guidelines for the media coverage:

1. The audio-visual recording may be made both for documentary purposes and for transmittal to live radio and television broadcasting;

second item guideline:

2. Media entities must file with the trial court a letter of application manifesting that they intend to broadcast the audio-visual recording of the proceedings and that they have the necessary technological equipment and technical plan to carry out the same with an undertaking that they will faithfully comply with the guidelines and regulation and cover the entire remaining proceedings until promulgation of judgment.

third item guidelines is:

3. No selective or partial coverage shall be allowed.

fourth is:

4. No media entity shall be allowed to broadcast the proceedings without an application duly approved by the trial court.

the fifth guidelines would be:

5. There will be a single camera stationed inside the courtroom and all the other cameras will take its live feed from that camera so that SC-PIO will be putting a camera inside the courtroom and all other station whether TV or radio will be getting their live feed.

the sixth our of nine guidelines is:

6. The broadcasting of the proceedings for a particular day must be continuous in its entirety excepting such portions where the Rules of Court excludes broadcast.

seventh would be:

7. To provide a faithful and complete broadcast of the proceedings, no commercial break or any other gap shall be allowed until the day’s proceedings are adjourned except during period of recess called by the trial court and during portions of the proceedings where the public is ordered is excluded.

the second to the last guideline is:

8. The proceedings shall be broadcast without any voiceovers except brief annotations of scenes, depicted therein as may be necessary to explain them at the start or at the end of the feeds.

and the last guidelines is:

9. No repeat airing of the proceedings shall be allowed except after the finality of judgment except brief footages and still images, cartographic sketches derived from the recording only for news purposes.
Marquez said there will be one camera to be stationed inside the courtroom where all the media entities would be getting their live feed.

Media representatives who want to feed the live the proceedings should apply before the Quezon City regional trial court Branch 221, the court where the trial will be conducted.

The principal accused in the case were former Datu Unsay, Maguindanao Mayor Andal Ampatuan Jr.; former Maguindanao Gov. Andal Ampatuan Sr.; former acting Maguindanao Gov. Sajid Ampatuan; suspended Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Gov. Zaldy Ampatuan; Akmad Ampatuan; Anwar Ampatuan and 196 others.

Philippine president Benigno Aquino III himself, together with the influential Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines or the CBCP, had likewise asked the Supreme Court to allow the live media coverage of the trial so that the public could follow the proceedings of the case.

Watch the live streaming Maguindanao Massacre trial coverage.
Maguindanao Massacre trial live streaming repla video.
Maguindanao Massacre trial online live streaming video, June 21, 2011.

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Meanwhile, here is the youtube video about the Maguindanao Massacre:


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