Maguindanao Governor Mangudadatu Car Bomb Attack

Car Bomb Attacked Maguindanao Governor Mangundadatu

esmael magudadatu car bomb

Maguindanao Governor Esmael Mangudadatu Car Bombing

Your lucky day could really be your birthday, true indeed as Maguindano governor Esmael "Toto" Mangudadatu has survived a car bombing attack earlier today.

Maguindano Mangudadatu who believed that the attack was intentionally for his life said to a media interview that he was not seriously hurt from the explosion. It was confirmed that the governor's car was about 15 meters away from the explosion, the main reason why he came out safe from the attack, that is apart from the fact that his car is bullet proof.

However, one bystander - identified as Raffy Parenas, a tricycle driver, was killed on the car bombing attack. Seven other people was injured where three were in the critical condition. Datu Rusman Senior, an ARMM board member, and his son Datu Rusman Junior were among those who were critically injured.

Other injured victims were identified as Noble Abdullah, Richard Sonza, Mabang Antonio Algaba, Robert Formacion and Bebot Barabarang.

According to the police report, Mangudadatu and his convoy of about ten vehicles are on their way along Tacurong, SUltan Kudarat when an old white Kia car parked along the highway exploded when the governor's convoy, a toyota fortuner had passed near it. The car bombing attack occured at around 3:30 in the afternoon, August 15, 2011.

Meanwhile, Malacanang Palace condemned the attack as President Benigno Aquino III ordered the authorities to "pursue all leads with vigor" - Edwin Lacierda, the presidential spokesman said on a media breifing.

"We condemn the attempted assassination of Maguindanao Gov. Toto Mangudadatu in the strongest terms. The attack, which claimed one life and left several wounded, comes at a time when the peace process and efforts to achieve justice for the victims of the Maguindanao massacre are moving forward," Lacierda said on media.

"Attempts such as this one can only serve the ends of the enemies of peace, stability and prosperity in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao," the presidential spokesman added.

Governor Mangudadatu said that he had a suspect on his mind but did not elaborate on media the details about the assasination attempt. It can be recalled that the governor lost his wife, sister and several political supporters in what is considered to be the worst political killings in the Philippines, called the 2009 Maguindanao Massacre. More than 50 people, including 30 journalists, were murdered on a single situation.

The local police force had cordonned a series of check points as the man hunt for the suspect is on.

Photo by: Keith Bacongco


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