Paris Hilton Lost Two 2 iPhones

Paris Hilton Arrived On The Philippines, Lost Her Two iPhones

paris hilton lost two iphone philippines

Two iPhones Was Missing As Paris Hilton Arrives At Philippines

The news of two missing iPhones had somewhat overshadowed the news that the Hollywood star and hotel hairess, Paris Hilton, had arrived on the Philippines last night, August 14, 2011, at around 11:20 in the evening.

Flight ER 334 had landed on Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) where Paris Hilton is on board. It was immidiately confirmed by Paris herself on her tweet: "Mabuhay Philippines! I just arrived, thousands of fans waiting at the airport when I walked in. I feel so welcomed here! Mahal ko kayo! :)".

Going back to the topic, the two iPhones were confirmed missing as Paris searched for it as soon as she arrived at the airport.

The Media Relations department of NAIA however clarified that the airport will not be charge for the missing phones as the actress can't even recall if she lost them on the plane or on Dubai.

Paris Hilton did not made any further move about the cellphones so far.

Rest assured, NAIA and Airport & Emirates are on the investigation about the case.

Online community, however, had been talking about the lost phones as they said that this is not the first time Paris Hilton had lost her mobile phone. The most popular incident was on 2005 where she lost her phone resulting to a scandal where her celebrity friends' phone numbers where posted online, one of them is her friend Lindsay Lohan. As reported on the media, she again lost her phones last 2009 on Cannes Film Festival and a few times again last year, 2010.

On the other side, Lindsay Lohan is scheduled to stay on the Philippines and meet her friend and about-to-be business partner Manny Pacquiao (and Jinkee Pacquiao of course....... on the guard) on her stay here in the Philippines. Aside from the news of her opening her own store on SM Megamall, Hilton is scheduled to endorse and design the Usure Urban Resort Residences on Paranque City.

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