Smart Bro Canopy | SmartBro Philippines| SmartBro Review

SmartBro With Canopy

smartbro review caloocan city
DSL lines are not available on our place right now, and believe it or not, our house is just one street short from the last terminal box of globe internet line. I asked them if I it’s possible to just pay for the extra cable extension but they said that the box was already full, and no other connection is possible.

Globe lines is not possible, internet connection was not yet activated on our area according to pldt and to the cable company. I tried every possible means to have a lined internet connection, but I came to the point to admit that it’s really not possible at this time.

I tried the pen drive of smart and globe tattoo, globe tattoo on our place is a total no-no. Smart pen drive on the other hand let me connect to the internet, but the speed is intolerably slow. I borrowed my officemate’s wireless globe modem, but I can’t even get a signal.
So, the last resort …. SmartBro with canopy.

I can’t try this because I can’t borrow my officemates’, simply because the antenna is permanently hinged on their roof. But I discovered that five houses on our street are using smartbro wireless internet connection. Knowing that, I immediately applied for a smartbro wireless with canopy on the smart center.

All plans on smart have a minimum of two years, and the requirement is just an identification card. Cutting the story short, three utility guys mounted a 10 feet long antenna on our roof, laid a cable on our room, and presto.. we have internet connection.

Now, I’ve been using it for a month. All I can say is… so far so good, our internet connection is good. Of course you need to wait for youtube’s videos, but that’s natural.

If you’re like me who’s living in a place where no lined internet connection is available, my advice is see if your neighbors are also using smartbro. If it happened to be that there is some, it will be very helpful if you can ask them about the speed.

Since smartbro canopy is wireless, signal on different location will (not can) vary drastically. But as of this writing, I heard about the new globe wireless internet connection, they call it ‘Globe Wimax’ which has a speed of up to 1mbps and can let you get the plan with one month money back guarantee, just in case you’re not happy with the plan. One month guarantee? Now that is something isn’t it? But that’s another story.


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