Hacienda Luisita Ruling Update

Hacienda Luisita, SC Ruled For Land Distribution

Hacienda Luisita

Tenants Were Favored Over Hacienda Luisita Case

The controversial, certified news maker land owned by the Conjuanco, the Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI), an about five thousand hectares sugar plantation has been ordered by the Supreme Court to be distibuted to it's tenants, the poor farmers who have been fighting for their rights for quite a long time now.

The Philippine President Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino III was tagged along with the controversy as his family on mother side were the owner of the said vast land. It can be recalled that the president had promised that he is in favor that the land be given to the farmers on the campaign period.

President Aquino earlier on the news said that their family will follow supreme court ruling, but said that justice must also be given to the land owners, and just compensation must also be given to the real land owners. "Para hindi naman mukhang inagawan ng lupa ang mga tunay na may-ari" - PNoy somehow said on the media as reported earlier by TV Patrol news.

Voting 14-0, the High Tribunal ruled in favor of the tenants who had been working for the Conjuanco's land for decades.
hacienda luisita supreme court
In a 56-page resolution penned by Associate Justice Presbitero Velasco, which was promulgated on Wednesday, November 23, 2011, the 14 magistrates “recalled and set aside” the option given to the farmer beneficiaries in July to remain as stockholders of Hacienda Luisita Inc..

In the supreme court's decision, the high court stressed that “control over agricultural lands must always be in the hands of the farmers” and pointed out that allowing the farmers to remain stockholders would never allow them to “gain control given the present proportion of shareholdings.”

According to reports, Hacienda Luisita Incorporated spokesperson Antonio Ligon said the estate’s management will respect the decision and will distribute the lands once the supreme court decision is final.


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