Al Galang Denied Vicki - Hayden Break Up Cause

Al Galang denied the rumors after being linked to Vicki, I'm not...

Al Galang Speaks Up Over Vicki And Hayden Break Up

Al Galang Vicki Boyfriend

Al Galang, Rumored As Vicki Belo's New Boyfriend

Al Galang rose into fame in an incredible pace after being link to the controversial dermatologist, Vicki Belo. He even lined-up from the trending keywords on Yahoo! Philippines and even beat Cristine Reyes who landed from the far tenth place while Al Galang had his place on the third spot.

You may be asking - Al Galang who ?

Let us give you some facts about this Al Galang - the hard facts and figures on why did this new guy deserves to be linked to a famous personality on the showbiz world.

First, let us remind you that Vicki Belo and Hayden Kho Jr., has been together for seven years. But everything is definetly over now after Vicki Belo herself drew the line.

Not even the s3x video controversy of Hayden can make them separated.

Then enter Al Galang.

Al Galang is a 28 years young old, that means that he's three years younger than Hayden Kho Jr., and two years younger than Vicki's son - Director Quark Henares.

Al Galang is the second runner-up of Mossimo Bikini contest way back year 2007 and was included on Cosmo Magazine's 69 Bachelors list on that year.

Being a lot younger than Hayden and a Bikini model is sure enough points to repell any eyebrows that would question the rumor between Vicki and Al.

But we are not finish yet.

Al Galang is also a radio disc jockey using the alias DJ Johnny Z on 103 Max FM. Yup, that means that he's good in making bola talking.

He's also a University of California, Los Angeles graduate.

He's currently an owner and an structor of a yoga studio. Vicki is one of her client and personally teaching her on a yoga class.

Enough talk for now, here's Al Galang in the flesh.

al galang pictures

al galang photo

It's actually Hayden Kho who started the Vicki Belo and Al Galang issue on his twitter account. He even exposed a sweet letter of Al for Vicki, his proof that there is something romantic happening between the two.

Hayden however retracted this after sending a tweet that says that neither him nor Vicki cheated and that Al and Nancy had nothing to do with their break-up.

Al Galang on the other hand said on an interview that Vicki and him are just close friends and the letter that he sent to Vicki is just "notes and words of encouragement".


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