Renato Corona Resigned ! Chief Justice Renato Corona

Chief Justice Renato Corona resigned...

Chief Justice Renato Corona Resigned!

Chief Justice Renato Corona Finally Resigned

Whew ! How about that for a title post ?!

But before anything else, as of today, February 25, 2012, the current chief justice, Chief Justice Renato Corona isn't resigned yet.

So what's with this post ?

This is just my dream post that I hope to have written in reality long before.

Am I on Aquino administration side ?

Nope, I am not, honestly I am not with this issue.

It is that we believe that this is for the benefit of everyone involved on this.

So who are involved ?

First, the whole administration who may have been loosing focus on other more important matters regarding our country's problemssssss.

Second, to Mr. Renato Corona and his whole family. He should have resigned from the start to avoid the exposure of his "alleged" undeclared wealth.

And third, the whole Filipinos who are suffering with the war between these politician parties.

It's not that I hate Corona because I do not know him personally.

But Chief Justice Renato Corona should really resign.

This is my personal thought and all I want to is to save everyone from more sufferings.

I am hoping to update this post with facts contains in it.


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