Grace Lee To Ellen Tordesillas, Apologize!

Grace Lee seeks an apology from a journalists named Ellen Tordesillas after the latter said that Grace Lee said that she sees herself on altar with the president, full story here...

Grace Lee Seeks Ellen Tordesillas Apology

Grace Lee Ellen Tordesillas

Did Ellen Tordesillas Misquoted Grace Lee

Read between the lines - that's what you would usually hear on unclear cases.

But columnist Ellen Todersillas seems to have read outside the line after Grace Lee denied Tordesillas' article which said that she is looking forward to be the first lady.

Ellen Tordesillas is a journalists who writes on a national newspaper and also has her own blog.

On her recent blog article which was written yesterday, February 13, 2012, posted on 6:30 a.m., Ellen wrote an article entitled "Grace Lee sees herself marrying P-Noy". The title itself speaks to the article but here's an extract of her first few paragraphs.

The altar.

That’s where Grace Lee says her relationship with President Benigno Aquino III is headed.

In her morning show “Good Times in the Morning” last Wednesday, the Korean-born radio and TV personality was asked by her New York-based co-anchor Mo Twister how long their relationship would last.

She replied, “The full length.”

Needled further on where she expected their dates would lead to, Lee answered, “The altar.” She added, “I’m praying for this.”

Aquino celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, Feb.8, the same day Lee said they were destined for the altar.

Grace Lee however denied that those words came from her mouth and that she is seeking for a public apology from the writer.

Grace Lee described the article "very false and vile."

In which she tweeted on that day - "I’m deeply offended that a journalist like Ellen Tordesillas would write an article of lies to sensationalize one’s private life. I have never said anything remotely close to what her write-up says I did." thought:
We are not against PNoy and Grace Lee's real life tandem. But in regards to this "misquoting" issue, we believe that one should really apologize if she misquoted someone, well unless one can present an evidence.

We've been following Ellen on her website and we knew her as someone who is pretty much aware of her freedom of speech. Taking brave words even on the trapos of the country.

We just hope that this issue will be resolve in the most calm manner.


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