Bar Exam Result For November 2011

When would the Bar Exam Result for November 2011 be released? Read the forecast here (forecast was based on the latest examination result)...

When Will The Bar Exam Result Be Release For November 2011?

Bar Exam Result November 2011

Bar Exam Result, November 2011

When would the Bar Examination Result - November 2011 be released?

More than two months had passed since hopeful examiners took the November 2011 Bar Exam that's why examinees and their relatives are all asking for the result.

On our original post titled Bar Exam Result November 2011 - Philippines, commenters said that result will be released on the tenth day of this month, February.

It is a good thing to know that it will be release this month if that's is true. However, the past Bar Exam Result which was taken on 2010 was released a lot longer. The Bar Exam for 2010 was taken on September and the result was released on March of next year, 2011. Doing a simple math, it took six months before the result was released.

Taking that as a rough basis, that would mean that the Bar Exam Result for November 2011 will be release on May 2012.

But we are hoping that the result will be release a lot faster considering the technical improvements on the Supreme Court of the Philippines.

We will be giving updates regarding the examination, meanwhile connect to us via facebook to receive timely updates, FB-Like and FB-Share buttons below.

More updates will be posted after this line.


  1. that is the logic behind the mcq type of test in the 2011 bar exams which is to expedite the checking of papers and to release the result much earlier than the previous bar exams. hopefully it will be released towards the end of this month not the incoming month of March.Truly, the waiting is too much it is really an agony.Good luck to the 2011 bar takers.

  2. agpayso dayta nagbayag met agurayen ti result 2011 bar exams.agsakit ulok agur urayen ngem mangnamnamaak nga adu ti makaruar.dios ti agngina. translation:that is true, the waiting is too much as regards the result of the 2011 bar exams and that am experiencing headache about this, but am hopeful that many will pass.thank you. dear readers, the writer is a native of he Ilocos Region, this is iloko dialect. regards.
