Medical Technologists March 2012 Room Assignment

Medical Technologists Room Assignment for March 2012 board examination, read more...

Room Assignment, March 6-7, 2012 - Medical Technologists

Medical Technologists Room Assignment March 2012

Medical Technologists, Room Assignment - March 2012

On this page, we will be posting the Medical Technologists Room Assignment for March 6-7, 2011 examination or MedTech Room Assignment that will be held on different testing centers nationwide - Manila, Baguio & Cebu.

We will be updating this post as soon as the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has released the official list of Medical Technologists March 2012, room assignment.

Please be informed for the general guidelines released by the PRC for the examinees.

The Professional Regulation Commission had released this guideline on the examination:

1. Examinees should report before 6:30 in the morning every examination day as late examinees will not be admitted.

2. Be sure to bring the following items:
- Notice of Admission (NOA)
- Official Receipt
- Pencils no. 1 or 2
- Black inked ball pens
- Metered-stamped window mailing envelope
- Long brown and long plastic envelopes

3. Cellular phones of any kind and other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited.

4. Wear the prescribed dress code.

5. Use the allowed scientific calculator models (if needed).

This post will be updated soon, for the meantime you can like us on facebook to receive timely updates regarding the March 2012 - Medical Technologists room assignment, FB-Like button below. Share this page to your classmates and friends too, FB-Share button below.

More updates will be posted after this line.



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