Benigno PNoy Noynoy Aquino III & Barack Obama Meeting

Aquino and Obama meetings strengthen trade and security among others...

Benigno Aquino III Meeting With Barack Obama

Obama Aquino Meeting June 2012

America - Philippines To Strengthen Security, Trade

Philippine President Benigno PNoy Noynoy Aquino III and U.S. President Barack Obama's meeting talks about security and trade between the two nation on their meeting at the White House last Friday, June 8, 2012.

The said meeting is at its most necessity as the tension over Asian security has becoming intense after territorial issues has been escalating from the past months, talking about Scarborough shoal and the ancient Spratly's contested territories.

With this, regional security was the main issues brought up by President Aquino on the oval office.

While the Philippines is seeking for military assistance, U.s. on the other hand is looking for Asian partners to strenghten its Asian alliances.

Cooperation on military training is one of the key matters that was discussed, said Obama on the press after the meeting.

“All of which is consistent with the announced pivot by the United States back to Asia, and reminding everybody that, in fact, the United States considers itself and is a Pacific power,” - the U.S. president said on a press briefing.

On the other hand, militants groups based in the U.S. and in the Philippines held protests actions to condemn the meeting, saying that the Philippines is just trying to take back the puppetry role it had before.

To show their protest, an American flag with Aquino and Obama's face on it was burned in the fron of the US embassy in the Philippines.


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