Physicians Exam Result, July 2012

Physicians board exam result for July 2012 licensure examination...

Physicians Board Exam Result For July 2012

Physicians Results July 2012

Physicians June 2012

The Physicians Board Exam Results For July 4-5, 2012 examination will be posted here as soon as the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) released the passers' list.

PRC assigned testing centers nationwide for Physicians, July 2012: Manila, Baguio, Cebu & Davao City.

When would the result be released?

Last February 19-20, 26-27 of this year, PRC held the first Physicians licensure examination. The result was then released on February 30. Doing the simple math, PRC only took three days after the last day of the examination.

Making the last board exam as a rough basis, the result for July 2012 examination should be somewhat like that too.

Rest assured, please be ensure that are on close monitoring for the result of the examination.

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