Charice To At Judge Talentadong Pinoy - June 23, 2013

Charice Pempengco is indeed came-out from the closet after her television appearances is going left to right.

After a long rest from the lime light, Charice had previously appeared on countless interviews and guested shows. On this coming weekend, the international singer will visit TV5 network as a judge on Talentadong Pinoy Worldwide.

Here's the photo that announces her guesting, she will be joining director Joey Reyes and comediane Tuesday Vargars.
We didn't know if she will keep to be judge or if she will try to steal the light with her alleged OA appearance like what she is on X-Factor Philippines where she also appeared to be one of the judges.

The controversial singer had her girlfriend Alyssa Alyssa Quijano a member of the New Born Divas, one of the hall famer of the show.


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