When Will Civil Service Exam Result Be Released ?

Civil Service Result For October 2011, When ?

civil service result October 2011

October 2011, Civil Service Result

All examiners are all asking on when would the Civil Service Commission would release the Civil Service Examination Result.

The thing is, the examiners had a hard time accessing the CSC website to know their room assignment. Since the Civil Service website did not released any list for the room assignment, they created a web service wherein you would type in your personal information and the page would display your room assignment.

Being a government website as it is, examiners got angry when they can't know their room assignment even on the very day of the examination. Some said that they have been trying to open the site for almost three days.

We do not know what is the reason on why did the Civil Servive authorities did not released any list, if they do, then things could have been a lot easier.

With this, irritated examiners are all wondering on when can they know the result of the examination, and if it had been released - can they access it ?

[ Civil Service Result, October 2011 ]

We, the keywordspeak.com team is committed to post the examination's result as soon as the civil service had released the official passers' list. We are hoping to include your name on the passer's list.

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More updates will be posted after this line.


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