Giant Crocodile Photo Philippines

Giant Crocodile Pictures - Photo , Philippines

giant crocodile philippines

Giant Crocodile Captured In The Philippines - Photo and Picture

This is one thing that is not a photoshopped photo of a giant crocodile in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur in the Philippines. A giant crocodile was captured at night while it is eating a carabao along a creek after a three weeks hunt.

The photo of a giant male crocodile had quickly spread online. History channel's "The Swamp People" would really be overwhelmed if they take a look on what we have here in the Philippines. A 21 footer of about 6.4 meters - a one tonner aligator was captured by crocodile experts last September 4, 2011.

Local experts said that it could be the largest crocodile that was captured alive in recent years.

The local authorities is planning to protect the large crocodiles and market it as a part of tourism of their town.

Aside from stealing a carabao, the said male crocodile is also the suspect for killing a 51 years old man who was killed while fishing on that area.

giant crocodile philippines

Nature evangelists said that the crocodiles who had lived for decades could have been disturbed from their natural territory which pushed them to human habitats.

Meanwhile, here's a raw video that we dug from youtube uploaded by user AssociatedPress. The uploaded 54 seconds video as of this writing already have seen 165,428 times and had 364 comments. One commenter named romeoETmike had this comment: "There's a bigger crocodile than this in one of the creeks there called Arroyo Unano (Midget Creek). It is known to swallow more than it can take. The neighboring creek also called Arroyo de Miguel (Miguel Creek) has the biggest croc of them all. The creeks in that province has the baddest crocs of them all." This comment had received fourteen thumbs up and became the top comments for that video.

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