Mike Arroyo Wikileaks Smuggling And Jueteng Scandal

Mike Arroyo On Wikileaks Smuggling and Jueteng Issue

mike arroyo wikileaks jueteng smuggling

Wikileaks Tagged Mike Arroyo For Smuggling And Jueteng Activities

Wikileaks had continued its purpose to exposed government personalities and big companies from many countries. The website fearlessly posts documents, videos and everything that are kept secret to the public.

Recently, Philippine big names was featured on the exposing website as Previous First Gentleman Mike Arroyo was tagged to smuggling and jueteng scandal from the time where her wife, Gloria Arroyo was still the country's president.

The WIkileaks is all about the conversation of the three Filipino businessmen, namely Washington Sycip ng SGV, Bill Luz, dating executive director ng Makati Business Club, at Francis Chua ng Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

The conversation came from the US Embassy here in the Philippines and includes the real sentiments of the businessmen towards Philippine corruption on Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's regime.

However, Mike Arroyo defended himself from the scandal saying that he is innocent for the smuggling issue and he doesn't know how to play jueteng.

This new Wikileaks cable is just one of the controversies and scandals that the Arroyo family is currently facing.

The daughter of the ninth president of the Philippines, Diosdado Macapagal, has put their names into shame for most Filipino people as they got soaked with many scandals.

However, the family defend and said that they are innocent to everything that they have been accused with.

True indeed, everyone is assumed innocent until proven guilty.


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