Adsense CTR And eCPM | CTR & eCPM Explained

What Is Adsense CTR And eCPM?

CTR (Click Through Rate)
First we have CTR or Click Through Rate. This is calculated in percentage to measure how many times in average are your adsense ads being click in relation to the adsense impression on your site. For example, If your adsense units were shown 100 times (this means that your site generates 100 age views), and your ads were click 15 times, then your click through rate or CTR is 15%.

Logically if your site generated a 200 pageviews and still gets 15 clicks, then your average CTR is 7.5%. That's easy to understand, then there's eCPM.

eCPM (Effective Cost Per Thousand Impressions)
The acronym doesn't really respond to the full meaning, but from the word itself, this figure simply shows the average estimation on how much do you earn per thousand of ad impression to your site.

I did misunderstood this before. I thought that if my eCPM rises, my earnings will also rise, right? But I later discovered that that's not the way it is calculated.

eCPM is just a figure of estimation on how much do you earn on your ads per thousand of impression. For example, if your site generates a thousand impressions, and that impressions generated 30 adsense clicks, with this let's say you earn 4 dollars, your eCPM will then be calculated base on the four dollars for that impressions. Then the next day, you also get the same page views (impressions) but got 6 dollars (maybe because the ads served on that post is higher), then you'll get a different eCPM value for that day.

This is just simply means that your eCPM just respond on the actual earning that your site is generating.

I just laid this as I did understand CTR and eCPM rather than bore you with formula calculations.

So, did I missed anything or are my understanding incorrect?
This is as I have understood them, please feel free to affirmed or correct me.
I'm humbly opening the comments for any reactions you can make.

Meanwhile, not directly related to this post, but here's Lisa Irby's talk about adsense.


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