Remote Control Your PC Via Internet | Free Remote Desktop Connection

How To Control Your Computer Through Internet For Free

teamviewer review

Tutorial - perform remote desktop connection through net – totally free


Remote desktop connection via internet, you say that’s nothing new. Sure you can get this kind of software on the internet that could enable you to remote control any computers through the net. Yes you’re right, but those kind of softwares need to paid for at least 40 dollars.

I don’t know to you but that was expensive to me. With a vast available freeware on the net, there should be one application there that could do the job for free. Free - that’s the keyword we’re trying to discuss here.

Good thing I wasn’t wrong, surfing the net with my google-pro ability, I found the gold mine I was exactly looking for. A software that could enable me to view and control other computer using the internet as the medium for free. Free – now was that something to blog about?

Introducing Teamviewer software, this program enable user to connect to the remote computer and controls it. When connected, the remote controller sees the other computer on his own screen, with the full control permission.

Logically, both computers need to run the teamviewer software. When run, teamviewer will generate an ID and PASSWORD which will act as user’s unique identifier. User can initiate remote control permission to the other party by using the other party’s ID and PASSWORD. Vice versa, user can also request a remote connection by entering the ID and PASSWORD of the other terminal. All of these are done using computer as the medium of both computers. That would mean that two computers can be anywhere the globe.

free remote desktop connection
Image: Shows the ID and the PASSWORD numbers.

Teamviewer can be use as a “run only” session or an “installation” mode. Run Only mode means that you will be using teamviewer software for that moment only, and no installation will happen. On the other hand, choosing the Install option will let teamviewer software to install on the system before running.

free remote desktop control

Image: Shows the Install and the Run option of teamviewer version 5.0.8081.

I advice to use the “run” option, because you can save disk space, and secondly, for security reason. What I mean about security is that “If this software let me connect to the other computer remotely, then they are more capable on remote connecting to us, and even without us knowing.” That would mean that they can copy my files without my permission. Sure I have an antivirus, but I won’t take the risk.

Teamviewer has a free and paid version, but trust me, all you need basically is already on the free version. Anyway, if you have decided that it’s a great software (which it is), then you might consider buying this program. The purchases make this free version anyway, so please consider buying.

Teamviewer can run on different operating systems like:
1.) Windows
2.) Mac
3.) Linux
4.) iPhone


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