New Born Divas' Come Back Performance At Talentadong Pinoy

New Born Divas At Talentadong Pinoy Last July 17, 2010

new born divas talentadong pinoy

Come back performance of New Born Divas

Now they got it this time!

Jennifer Maravilla, Katrina Velarde and Alyssa Quijano known as New Born Divas had now won at Talentadong Pinoy on July 17, 2010 episodes. After being beaten by "The Believers" who's now a hall of famer, this girl group was again given a second chance to perform on Talentadong Pinoy stage. And yeah, they got it this time.
new born divas

Some critics said that the latest Talentadong Pinoy winner's talent is very common, the very reason why they lost against The Believers last time. Though I somewhat agree on that, but this is not just about singing, this is about HOW they sing. HOW, the very word that should define their performace on stage.

Their stage presence, their energy, how they wave their hands (especially Jennifer), how they throw timings, choreography and many more rises them from the common singing-dancing girl group out there.

With that I created this post, dedicated for them.

To prove that, here's a video I uploaded on youtube. I got my humble N70 phone to record them on our crt monitor tv screen, here it is, enjoy!


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