Justin Beaver | Justin Beiber = Beaver

Justin Beaver <> Justin Beiber

Are you looking for Justin Beaver, the singer.

First, Justin Beaver is a real person. According to wikpedia, Justin Beaver is an American football player.

Justin Beaver (born October 19, 1984) is an American football running back He played college football at UW–Whitewater.

Justin Beaver is usually mistaken as Justin Beiber (or the other way around). Anyway, since Justin Beiber is more popular that Justin Beaver, it is understood that Beiber was mistakenly searched as Beaver. The footbal player instead of the singer performer who became popular with his debut single "One Time".

Anyway, here's the google log on how many surfers are looking for the keyword "justin beaver".
Now that's 201,000 searchers according to Google. That's something to be notice I think. So if you happens to came to this post by looking for the Justin singer. It's Justin Beiber and not Justin Beaver okay?

Here's Justin the singer's youtube video on his debut single:

That's what you're looking for and not this video below who plays the singer Justin as a beaver.


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