How To Measure My IQ | Free Online IQ Test

How To Know - Measure Your IQ Level

Take the test and know your IQ level online

online iq test

Before we proceed, let me just give this light warning that there is no such thing as a valid and realistic online IQ test. Because they have no evidence of strong foundation that all of the questions on their tests are professionally crafted.

If you really want to have a realistic IQ level test, then you should seek for a professional that can authoritatively administer an IQ level test.

Knowing that, let's proceed.

Doing IQ test online is not accurate, but doing so wouldn't harm anyone right? So, if you're like me who can spare a free time answering few questions to test your IQ online, then it would be great.

There's a lot of online IQ test site, but did mine on They gave me 38 questions to answer. After completing the tests, they will offer you a $9.95 fee if you want to know your detailed result, but you can refuse the offer. Just enter your email address where they can send your average score. They send mine, and my score is 117.

I'm not sure, but I think that this is not a bad score. Though I'm still not qualified to work in China as they are on current hiring of Americans who have an average IQ level of 125.

Do you also want to take online IQ tests? If so, here are my advices.
1.) Take an exam if you're not painfully tired, sleepy, hungry, make sure you're on your shape.
2.) Do it in a private - quiet place.
3.) Never guess, answer each questions to the best of your ability, even though you're not sure for your answer. Be sure that that is your best answer, and that is what you have decided the correct answer.
4.) This is an online survey, never do pay.

That's it, you can now choose your IQ level test site.
Please care to share us your IQ level score and what site did you took them from.
Good luck!

1 comment :

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