Adsense Earnings - Three Dollars Per Day On Adsense

My First Three Dollars Per Day Figure On Google Adsense Earnings

A short story of a first timer on having a three dollars per day with google adsense

Just when I had announced that I am now earning a dollar per day on google adsense last July 8, 2010 on my post entitled "One Dollar Per Day On Adsense Earnings", I then bragged me having a frequent two dollars earning per day via google adsense, then on my post "How To Get Two $2 Dollars Per Day On Adsense | Adsense Earnings". But today is a little different, since I saw an unfamiliar figure on my google adsense dashboard.

Today is my first time having a three dollars $3 per day on my adsense earnings. Now wasn't that something to blog about?! Not actually impressive on the eyes of the pros, but no one can stop newbies like me to get excited on a positive improvements like this one.

adsense earning

Three dollars $3 a day, again I would like to repeat, wasn't that a big deal!
Bragging mode here :p

Today, I realized that I need to move my goal a little higher. I would like to target a three point thirty three dollars $3.33 per day on my earning at google adsense. This would let me receive the minimum payment amount monthly.

FYI, three dollars on our country isn't a joke since the dollar - peso conversion here on the Philippines is somewhere in 1:47. That means that 3 US dollars would equal to one hundred and forty one Philippines peso (Php.141).

Just when my officemates and friends are doing our daily routine, mine is a little different because I am spending my day with my blog waiting to be viewed, to earn and most especially to help other with my post. Now, is there anymore rewarding than that?!

Secrets - Secrets -Secrets
There are lots of websites that offers thousands of earnings in just five minutes, offering programs, ebook tutorials about their Ten Guaranteed Simple Steps on how to make money online fast. Secrets Revealed as their catch lines said.

On my case, once I read lines like these, I immediately close the tab. Because online earnings has no shortcuts, so scrap those get-rich online schemes you have been tempted to join, because there's nothing true in them.

Earning online means work, or lot of work that is. This doesn't just mean to create a blog and just wait to see money rolls in. For me, dedication and commitment is the keyword of being successful online. I am not yet successful but I personally believe that I am heading to that direction.

So, there's no secrets, on my case, I got this three dollars today because I did a lot of hardwork from the past. And that's the only thing you should also do, create a blog, study SEO, and apply to affiliate programs like adsense.

With that, I am celebrating this day. Let this post serves as a peg mark for my online journey.