Alter Space - Facebook Game Made By Filipino

Alter Space Made By Filipino - Facebook Game

alter space facebook game filipino

The first Filipino made facebook game

Another thing to be proud of for us Filipino.

The first facebook game that promotes environmental awareness game created by Cleanergy from AboitizPower will be launch on February 25, 2011.

The main goal of the game is to educate the users the idea of carbon footprint that each individual is creating from their everyday lives which aimed to the 500 million facebook users.

As they said, tangkilikin ang sariling atin, let's all see if this made in the Philippines facebook game will bring entertaiment aside from educational purposes, well, we hope it will.

The game will mimic your everyday life, taking the choices that your are doing, all with the idea on how you can take care of your mother nature. And that there are challenges to be done which all measures your personal carbon emmission to the virtual planet.

This facebook social games will be launch this 25'th of the month. Support the game by joining the official facebook page of the game at

Meanwhile, here's the official video trailer of the Alter Space Social Facebook Game:

Also here's Anton del Rosaroio of Azkals promoting this new facebook game.


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