Tiger Woods Spitting Watch Video

Watch Video of Tiger Woods Spitting

Tiger Woods spitting video at European Tour

Who doesn't spit? Of course we do, at least once in our life, well, on a discreet manner, that is.

But not for the most popular and richest athlete in the world. Tiger Woods just spat while playing at the 12th green on European Tour.

Everything is really being magnified when it is done in front of many people, much more in the front of the cameras.

Tiger Woods spitting while playing golf had became a big issue, especially when the commentator reffered it as "Disgusting", saying this on live tv.

Here's what Ewen Murray, the commentator said on the television: "Disgusting, what he has just done there ... there are some parts of him that are just arrogant and petulant. Somebody now has to come behind him and maybe putt over his spit. It does not get much lower than that."

This issue was even made popular when it hit the yahoo hompage, see screenshot below
tiger woods spit

The European Tour said that it will ask Tiger Woods to give fine for this inappropriatte gesture. However, the sum wasn't made public when the European Tour announced this last Monday.

Being man himself, Tiger Woods apologized on his twitter account. It is even reported that Tiger Woods team had already responded on the issue and asked for the details of the fine.

tiger woods spit european tour


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