Cardinal Sin Statue - Monument

Bronze Statue - Monument Of Cardinal Sin

cardinal jaime sin statue monument

Statue of Cardinal Sin unveiled

A bronze statue of the late Cardinal Sin (31 August 1928 – 21 June 2005) stood up and will be unveiled on EDSA People Power 1 anniversary on February 25 of this year.

The statue will be mounted on the corner of P. Burgos Drive and Roxas Boulevard in Intramuros, Manila City, near Luneta Park. Philippines President Benigno Noynoy PNoy Aquino, III will head the unveiling of the statue.

jaime cardinal sin statue monument
It can be recalled that Jaime Cardinal Sin became an took an important role in the People Power Revolution's success that led to the end of the dictator, then president Ferdinand Marcos power.

Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim told the media that the statue will be placed right beside the monuments of the late President Corazon Aquino and her husband's monument, the late former Senator Benigno Aquino Jr..

"There will first be a Mass, after which we go to Edsa, and then we come to Manila where the monuments are. I invite all of you to witness the unveiling of Sin’s monument," Lim added.

The public is invited to witness the unveiling which will start at 9:30 AM.

1 comment :

  1. Eh indi naman c Cardinal Sin ang nag author ng EDSA, nor Enrile nor Ramos nor the Military. It was the people, the Filipino masses ang tunay diwa ng EDSA revolution in 1986.Kaya nga PEople Power ang tawag.

    Nakahanap lang ng chance ang mga tao na ilabas ang bumabagabag na galit at poot against the dictator Marcos, through Sin, Enrile and Ramos.
