#disneypickuplines Twitter Trend

Twitter Trend: #disneypickuplines

#disneypickuplines twitter trend
I just want to blog about this top trending topic on twitter.com.

It looks like #disneypickuplines are the top of worldwide trends on the microblogging site, twitter.com.

Here are the few from the trend:

"Me Tarzan, you gorgeous!" #disneypickuplines

#disneypickuplines Wanna meet the 8th dwarf?

#disneypickuplines (aladdin to Jasmin) Come ride my magic carpet and I'll show you a whole new world.

RT @im_betsy You must be Cinderella, 'cause I see that dress disappearing by midnight. :p #disneypickuplines

#disneypickuplines come on Winnie, I want some Pooh on my chest


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