The Art Of Deal Of Angelo Reyes

The Art Of Deal, Angelo Reyes' Book

the art of deal angelo reyes

Angelo Reyes possesses a book entitled "The Art Of Deal" when he dies

It has been reported that Angelo Reyes is in possession of a book entitled "The Art Of Deal" by Donald J Trump.

However, the family later denied that it was not the former defense secretary who is reading the book.

the rumored book of Angelo Reyes had became a topic when columnist Ellen Tordesillas published that DZMM showed a blood spattered book with the title of "The Art Of Deal".

Is this a clue for everything, as concluded by the curious and playful mind of many Filipinos.

However, it is not clear on how a radio station can show a book, unless they showed it on their tv channel which was simultaneously televised. Second is that, how could DZMM got the book on their hands, did the family or the policemen handed over the specimen, or did they just took a picture of it?

We had search the said book and found it on which is still for sale for 8.50 US dollar.


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