What Time Is Earth Hour Philippines ?

What Time Is Earth Hour In The Philippines - Brownout

what time is earth hour philippines

Earth hour will be observe in the Philippines

Last year's Earth Hour, the Philippines ranked first worldwide in terms of total number of cities and towns that participated in this worldwide event.

There has an estimated of 15 million concern Filipinos in one thousand cities and towns all over our country humanely participated in Earth Hour last year. For this year, 2011, let's make it a two consecutive years of topping this worldwide activity.

The Earth Hour is observed by switching off the lights on your place. Everybody is encourage to turn off their lights between 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm tomorrow, March 26, 2011 - Philippine time.

But of course, it is not just the lights that we can shut own. High consuming appliances lie aircons, electric fans, an many more are also encourage to shut-off.

We can help to reduce electric consumption and we also give a short break for this appliances to cool down that could prolong their life.

2011 marks a key difference from past switch-offs, for the focus shall be on what transpires beyond the hour itself. With climate change issues becoming more critical, WWF-Philippines is going beyond Earth Hour by launching a year-long climate change information and education campaign for Filipinos to live by Earth Hour’s carbon-friendly principles not for 60-minutes – but for the rest of their lives. Earth Hour Philippines

Here's the official 2011 Earth Hour video:


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