Dan Brown Calls Manila, Philippines - "Gates Of Hell"

Here's the latest - Dan Brown labeled Manila, Philippines as the "Gate of hell" according to his latest book entitled "Inferno", (read it here)

With this, Filipino had expressed their outrage about the latest insult to their lands. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) chairman Francis Tolentino said that Dan Brown's description shows that he is not familiar with the city - simply because Dan Brown had never been to the country - much more to Manila.

Tolentino said that he browsed the records from the Bureau of Immigration and found out that Dan Brown had never visited any part of the Philippines yet - especially Manila which he described offensively.

The MMDA chief said that the MMDA office had sent a letter on the author's publisher and agent last Thursday noon and that they should have received it by now - Tolentino told during an interview on radio dZMM.

Tolentino even said that the Philippines, being the only Christian nation in the Asia should be called the "doorway to heaven", a contrast to what the ignorant author had said.

"Pinapalabas niya ang Metro Manila puro kadumihan. We surmise that Mr. Brown is not familiar with Manila or Metro Manila. [This is where the cradle of Catholicism is] as well as other religions." - Tolentino said on a separate interview.

Tolentino said that the novel - Inferno - even if it's just fictional should be corrected, especially that news from U.S. said that the newly launch book would become a best seller in New York and to other countries.

Dan Brown had became popular with his novel "The Da Vinci Code" - the very reason why his upcoming books were highly patronized with novel ethusiast.


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