Dan Brown's Reply To The Philippines

It can be recall that Dan Brown had labeled Manila, Philippines as the "gates of hell" on his latest novel - Inferno.

With this Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) chairman Francis Tolentino, to oppose to the said issue had sent a letter to the author himself via a fax message.

Lucky enough, Dan Brown had replied to the letter of the MMDA secretary. Unlucky enough though, if you are a Filipino and if you're expecting some kind of an apolegetic respond to somehow pacify your about-to-explode nerves, well, brace yourself more because you will not like what you would see.

On the letter of Dan Brown, he used the usual disclaimer any fictional composition would state, and that is the usual statement which said that everything included on the book are all author's imagination and anything resemblance to actual events, etc. are entirely coincidental.

Below is the letter of Dan Brown.

The last part also read "I am a book author and not a tourism ambassador" - waddapak!

"Entirely coincidental" yourself!

Do put your comment below, please.

1 comment :

  1. can't we declare Dan Brown as persona non grata here in PH?
