Marjorie Barretto Admitted Owning The Scandalous Photo

This is an update - Marjorie Barretto had admitted that the woman on the scandalous photo was indeed her.

After denying that it was her photo on an interview (read it here), Marjorie said that she was "caught off guard" - which made her deny the photo at first.

“When you called me that first time, I swear, I was stunned. I didn’t know what you were talking about. I didn’t even know that there was anything circulating anywhere about me. I had just woken up, and I was really caught unaware. You were talking about photos of me. It was such a nightmare. I didn’t know how to take it in," - Marjorie said on an another interview on

Just as I said before when Marjorie had denied it, if it was a fake, then it's one hell of a good fake. I'm no expert about authenticating a photo but the photo's setting was so genuine. The lighting was also plain uniform that I doubt that the head was cut and pasted.

Still, our sympathy was on Marjorie as no one, not even someone who's public image was scratched due to her family feud, deserves this situation.

As we have said on our previous article, we will not share any photo that would degrade anyone.


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