Joseph Erap Estrada's Disqualification Case Dismissed

The Supreme Court (SC) had dismissed the disqualification case against Manila Mayor Joseph Erap Estrada earlier today, January 21, 2015 - Wednesday.

Having a vote of 11-3, the Supreme Court had confirmed the mayorial post of the former Philippine president which he won on the 2013 local election against the then incumbent Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim.

According to the filed case, Joseph Estrada was not qualified to run on any government post after he was convicted on a plunder case in 2007.
The supreme court decision however sided on Estrada after ruling that the highest court acknowledged the absolute pardon given to him by then Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Based on the ruling, the thirteenth Philippine president had regained his right "to stand as candidate for mayor in the last elections."

"Likewise the majority considered Estrada's acceptance of the absolute pardon as having removed the disqualifications arising under the Section 40 of the Local Government Code in relation to Section 12 of the Omnibus Election Code." - the ruling said.

The three justices who voted against Erap are Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno, Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, at Justice Marvic Leonen.

Attorney Alicia Risos-Vidal, election lawyer of the former Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim was reported to have acknowledged the news despite not having the final copy of the ruling yet.

Lim's lawyer however stressed that they will file a petition for the case.


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