Anti-Angry Birds Bill A Big Joke -Yahoo!

Yahoo! Called Anti-Angry Birds Bill A Big Joke

anti angry birds bill

Anti-Angry Birds Bill Got Laughed Out

Quezon City representative Winston Castelo is definitely getting the attention he's asking, in a ridiculous way though.

After topping Yahoo! search Philippines yesterday and being featured in almost all Filipino owned blogs and websites, Yahoo! Southeast Asia Newsroom posted an article earlier (10/03/11) at about 12 noon about this really funny proposed law.

Yahoo! called Quezon City Congressman Winston Castelo's Anti-Angry Birds Bill a big joke.

According to Yahoo! the Anti-Angry Birds bill did succeeded, not that it was suitable to be pass as a law but it did captured the attention of Filipino nitizens. Sure indeed, call it stupid, call it crazy but the Anti-Angry Birds Bill had become popular in a very short timespan, it being a topic online and offline. With this, congressman Winston Castelo had became an overnight online celebrity, and Quezon City is really on the map, haha!

The Anti-Angry Birds Bill is not about property issues. It is not about being caught if you use the trademark without license, but the proposed bill is all about seeing too many items that has the popular angry birds logos and characters on them, and don't smirk!

Yahoo is really right on this, it is really nothing but a big joke and nothing else.


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