Baygon Mosquito Spray Review

Baygon Mosquito Spray Personal Review

baygon mosquito review

Baygon Anti-Mosquito Review

As much as we would like to make reviews about gadgets, we can't because we do not have the luxury of owning most of the gadgets of today.

But we also do reviews here, just like the Clear Shampoo Review that we made last year, we are now making a personal experience review on the Baygon Mosquito Spray.

Earlier this week, I noticed some mosquitos are buzzing on my ear as I got to bed at night, that is in spite of having a mosquito screen on our house. So I thought of spraying an anti-mosquito spray around our house.

Cutting the story short, I bought a 27 pesos sachet pack of baygon anti mosquito spray and the baygon pump spray for 70 pesos. I asked my family members to get out from the house for about 20 minutes so I can spray up this mosquito killer.

I was expecting that the foul, insecticide-like smell will cover the house which will irritate my nose. But to my surprise, the odor was just 5% of what I am expecting, later I known from our neighbor that the water-based baygon spray doesn't really smell as strong as the original.

So there are almost no odor, plus one points, ting!

Cutting the story shorter, I switched on the exhaust fan to take the remaining smell out after 20 minutes. Then I immediately saw the positive results on our CR where I saw five mosquitos lying dead on the tiles.

I was satisfied thinking that the same thing happened on the entire house, it's just that I can't confirm it because we have red colored floor on the entire house.

Just when I thought that everything was over, later we saw cockroaches climbing the walls in a dizzy fashion. They crawl like they are drunk, so it is easy for them to caught with a scratch paper, We got six of them.

I live in a normal house where we have cockroaches and mosquitoes on the house, but we have no rats as I haven't seen one since we moved here because two cats already live up in the ceiling of the comfort room even before we get here.

So A+ for the Baygon Mosquito Spray!


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