CPA Board Members Released The Results In One Day
CPA Board Exam Results, October 2011
Yesterday, the PRC boasted the phrase "October 2011 Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examination results released in one (1) day" - and we believe that it should take nod from all of us because they really did released the CPA Board Examination Result in one single day.Just like the previous CPA licensure examination held last May 15-16 to May 22-23, the result was also released after one day of the last examination day, the result was released then on May 24, 2011. This time, the CPA board examination was held last October 8-9 to October 15-16 and the result was released as predicted, which is October 17, 2011.
The members of the Board of Accountancy namely: Atty. Eugene T. Mateo, Chairman; Luis A. Cañete, Dr. Rufo R. Mendoza and Jose S. Tayag, Jr., members - really are doing their jobs considering that 8,525 took the examination.
For the complete list of board exam passers, topnotchers and performance of schools - please click on the links below.

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We the team wants to congratulate the passers for the CPA October 2011 examination, congrats!
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