Ronald Llamas' Firearms

Ronald Llamas To Resign Over Firearms Scandal

Ronald Llamas resign firearms gun

Five Firearms Owned By Ronald Llamas

Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs Ronald Llamas said that he was prepared to resign anytime if the president ask him to resign.

"If the President will ask for my resignation, I’m ready to resign," Ronald Llamas said on a text message he send to reporters.

The controversy all started after his service utility vehicle got involved on a car accident along Commonwealth Ave. in Quezon City last week. Two firearms was reported to have found inside his own vehicle which includes a high-powered rifle.

Ronald Llamas added that he will face investigations about his controversial ownership of the guns. Llamas earlier told media that he owned a total of five firearms on his custody.

Llamas told reporters that he already fired the two aides that used his vehicle unauthorizedly. The presidential adviser was on the Geneva, Switzerland attending a conference when the accident happened.

Ronald Llamas is a shooting buddy of the president and he had admitted that he was very fond of weapons, guns specifically. He stressed though, that he owned firearms to aid his security for havng a sensitive job in the government. He claimed that all of his owned firearms were all licensed and he had permit to carry these outside his residence.

"It is for self-protection. I am entitled to that," - he said.

On the side note, senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago as she is, criticized Llamas and advised that he should quit his job if he can't handle the dangers posed by his job in the government.

One online commenter on a web source said that he should not wait for the president's order for him to resign, rather, he should do it voluntarily, while another commenter said that if he wait that for the president, it will not be called as a resign but being fired.

However, some commenters said that just like other government officials and even private citizens, Ronald Llamas is entitled to protect himself and owning a licensed gun is one way to do it.


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